Friday, June 28, 2024

Friday Food - Ice Cream 06-28-24

Anytime, any season ice cream appeals to many of us.  When I am on a road trip Diary Queen is always tempting.  Locally there are a number of local or chain ice cream shops.   The boys and I have tried quite a few, but after trying a new place we always go back to Rich Farm, which is the closest to our houses.

Julian likes the "candy" ice cream that always seem to be blue or green.
This may have been "cookie monster". 

Some Japanese restaurants have green tea ice cream.  This with chocolate  streams and powdered  sugar sprinkles was at my favorite in San Diego - Ikiru.

After a delicious salmon dinner at a Los Alamitos,CA, seafood place.
There is a chocolate fish propped on top.. 

The gelato case at Whole Foods.  Decision, Decisions.

At home I prefer Talenti's Coffee Chocolate Chip or Lactaid vanilla.   I don't  need a  "dairy relief" pill after the Lactaid, but I always carry some with me in case of a sudden, overwhelming urge to stop for ice cream!

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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Ruth B. McDowell 06-24-24

I am very sad to tell  you that Ruth B. McDowell died on Saturday,June 22nd, she was just 79.  The cause was Multiple Myeloma.  She wasn't sick very long, but how would I know?  She was never one to complain.  When I learn more I will post any information.  

This  is a professional image used for some of her exhibits.

The best teacher I ever studied with, as she was for many of her students.  Here she shows the picture a student has decided to work with. 

The last class I had with her was her last session in Kalispell, Wyoming..  
Here she is talking about Susan Hillsenbeck's eggplant flower in progress. 

Ruth at the demo easel showing how to trace the sewing lines onto tracing paper.

Ruth and Pippi, her grand-daughter, take a walk.

"Conversation on the Porch"  Ruth B. McDowell   1993   37.5"L X 54"W
Cotton fabric, thread,and batting.  Machine pieced and quilted.

This is the first of Ruth's quilts I added to the Thomas Contemporary Quilt Collection in1994.  It is my favorite.

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Monday, June 24, 2024

Out to Space 06-24-24

Another Space X launch from Vandenberg last evening about 8:45pm.  They do have slight differences, but are always interesting to watch. 

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Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Automobiles 06-19-24

I notice unusual cars, although I am not a car "buff".  Mostly I  see the models from years  past.  But the other day this one was in the parking lot of a restaurant.   When I left I stopped to take  pictures,  but didn't get out to walk around  the back of the vehicle.  I thought it must be a custom model and wished I could see it on the road.  Only four days later I saw it, or another one, on the road.  I was so startled I didn't think to follow it for a better look.  Mentioning the sighting to a friend and showing her the photos, she knew it was a Tesla and said one lived two blocks  from her.  I Googled  it and found that it is Tesla's New Cybertruck, which Google  says will be released  in 2025.  The base model will  be $60,990 and the "super-duper" model will be about $99,990 and will reach 60mph in just 2.6 seconds.  And reach 130mph.  


                    "See the USA in your Chevrolet, America is asking you to call......"
Also in a parking lot - a 1970 Chevy Monte Carlo almost like it just came off the lot.

BIG difference from the new Tesla, huh?

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Friday, June 14, 2024

Friday Feet 06-14-24

This just shows  that KoKo is willing to sleep on anyone's lap if he is tired.

The dearest baby feet - lifted from Internet. 

One of my shoe loving friends can wear fantastic sandals. 

This is a shoe for a GIANT, or maybe a basketball player. 

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Thursday, June 13, 2024

Flowers 06-13-24

I realize that every year about this time when the kangaroo paws start blooming, I post a picture.  The blooms just fascinate me, they are just so different from any other  that I have seen.   They must have been  imported from Australia in the last twenty years or so and are now everywhere in Orange County, CA.  They may be growing across the USA, but these days I don't go much of anywhere else.  I do see them in San Diego  County on my infrequent  visits there..

This plant is in the  parking  lot at a  Dana Point restaurant.

The shapes of these "petals" do resemble kangaroo's paws.

In  the upper center you can see one of the unassuming little flowers.  Looks a bit like a  multi-pointed star with a ring of stamens in the center.  I have never detected  a fragrance.

There are also many red plants.  Here you can really see a flower.

This pink bush at Trader Joe's was one of first plants I ever saw  and pink  is not very common. 

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Monday, June 10, 2024

Sidewalks 06-10-24

 Summer has arrived and some schools are adjourned, which gives children time to play outdoors.   There are several young girls who love writing on the sidewalk with chalk.  And Barb, who I think is eleven, has outdone herself.  I cannot get high enough (maybe I need a drone) to show her guided pathways.   There is a  vine  with large leaves to follow, stepping on each leaf.  And a trail of the planets each marked with the correct names.  Quite a layout, nicely done.   KoKo is not impressed, but I am .

This is where  we are to start.  The blue is KoKo's leash held in my left hand.  He wants to GO.

These handprints must be a stencil as they are all the same. Why she didn't give herself a head I can't imagine.  The odd black dot is the tip of my cane, it helps me keep my balance and could serve  as a  coyote beater should  one comet  too close. 

Big square guy, smiles, rainbow, multi-colored dots, bored doggo.

Always sign your artwork. 

Dear to my heart. 

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