Friday, December 25, 2009

Miscellaneous 12-25-09

Marine Stadium sunset 12-21-09 Long Beach, CA

I save things for my blog posts that might be of interest (or not) to some of you or because I think they are interesting. Categorize them as you will!

(Those "peeps" will take over the world!)

I may have posted this one previously, but it has been a great help to me and you may find it helpful also - traveling the 'blog road' can be rough.

There are similar websites out there, some of which are referred to on this one. And I have my own album of "wrack and ruin" photos taken while traveling. Those of you familiar with Art-O-Mat may enjoy this recent post:

Another website that explores offbeat and not-so-offbeat places in our world.
I did roast a little five pound chicken, made some corn "pudding", and cooked the last of the Brussels sprouts for my Xmas dinner. But before I could eat I had to have little rest! I do feel almost like my usual self, but I still seem to run out of steam very fast. Guess I won't be running any marathons anytime soon.
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Christmas Eve Day 12-24-09

I woke up this morning feeling GREAT, which almost made me believe in miracles - but I know my improvement was the wisdom of Dr. Debin, the medications and my self knowledge that "rest in bed, drink lots of liquids" is (for me) one of the most effective methods of healing. I felt so much improved that I dressed and went out to TJoe's for a roasting hen to cook for dinner tomorrow. Since I was out there I made a stop at Corner Bakery (sold out of cinnamon muffins) for breakfast to go with my Starbucks latte.

I lingered, along with this unknown lady at a different table. Definitely short sleeve weather with an intense blue sky behind the jacaranda tree and the palms. Lots of bird song and some of the cutest little doggies I've seen in one place! I didn't linger because I knew I would run out of steam quickly - that can happen after almost three weeks mostly in bed.

My catty-corner neighbor has slowly, but steadily, been improving his yard and now has these brilliant blossoms in the front corner flower bed to brighten our Christmas season.

Hot pink and bright orange - a traditional Mexican color combo.

Christmas in SCalifornia.

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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Portrait of the Eggplant. 12-22-09

I was looking for this picture when I posted about selling the Caravan on 12-18-09, but couldn't remember when the image was taken - not even close. Hardly over a year ago and yet my brain has created a vast muddled space to track through - no more linear clarity here!
The original post was 09-29-08.
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Getting better + pied billed grebes 12-21-09

One thing to do when one is not supposed to actually DO anything, is look at birds - if one is lucky enough to have them come around. Today was dreary and cool at Marine Stadium so photography was iffy. Here is a pair of pie-billed grebes from a year ago October. Lots of grebes around the last few days including quite a number of Western Grebes. I thought I would post a picture of a quilt I did sometime ago, showing a Western Grebe , but I can't find it in Picasa - must have been before the advent of digital in my life. And, of course, no flash on my camera right now, so I have to photography in the daytime. I'll get back in the groove soon. .
I did come home late this afternoon. Took almost more energy than I had to get all my stuff out of the Lexus. A serious nap was required. And now I need a good night's sleep.
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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Corky being princely 12-20-09

Corky was being very princely in this lovely velour chair in the guest room.
But he wasn't in the mood for photos.

Shaking all over usually deters the photographer.

Followed by some staring.

Then some head shaking.

And rubbing face and ears all over the chair.

He has been a little devil today, bossing me around and barking uncontrollably when he doesn't get his way. He is used to being "top dog". Two of his favorite people, John and Diane, recently added a poodle/schnauzer to their household, which had been dog less. Corky took one look at that usurper standing in HIS kitchen and proceeded to piddle all over the floor!! I guess everyone was so shocked they couldn't move to stop him. He will no longer have anything to do with John - even when John proffers a baby carrot - Corky's favorite treat. John and Diane are receiving the ultimate Poodle Prince freeze out
My cough is much better and I will go home tomorrow. I am still taking all the medications and will continue until they are gone. But I will have to be careful to take them AFTER I have to drive somewhere as one of them makes me sleepy - resulting in a number of naps during the day. Dr. D. says they are good for me. Cough, cough!
I'll try to post a TCQC quilt tomorrow afternoon sometime.

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