Saturday, March 14, 2015

Wicked Desserts 03-14-15

I have been trying to lose some pounds which pretty much precludes having dessert.  Growing up I was one of those kids who refused to eat certain things (like liver) and adults were always luring me with dessert - "Eat your dinner and you can have dessert."  It usually worked and I would clean my plate (unless it was liver).  So, for 73 years (I don't remember anything before I was three) I have enjoyed dessert of some kind after lunch and dinner.  The food plan I am on doesn't even include fruit, which I yearn for.  I've gotten an occasional basket of blue berries and eaten them "plain so" (as my MIL used to say).  But when I went with two friends for an elegant lunch at Summit House in Fullerton this past week, I threw caution to the wind and ordered dessert. 
Two of us ordered the lemon tart which was perfection with a little pool of huckleberry sauce and a tiny mountain of whipped cream.   Not overly sweet, just a nice tart lemon taste - surely they use Myer lemons.  Yummmmmmm.

The third lady ordered the chocolate torte which she kindly let us taste - it was like eating a chocolate truffle from Harrod's in London.  The presentation was very fancy and I show two pictures because I can't adequately explain how they constructed this tower of chocolate.
The layers were cylindrical; they cut it in half from top to bottom  and propped one half cut side out against other half.  Then they drizzled it with rich chocolate sauce, added some sliced strawberries and some strawberry reduction and the little mountain of whipped cream.  The "flagpole" is a chocolate straw.  It was too much for my friend and she took half home to her husband.  What a nice person she is! 
Our lunches were a minor key - grilled salmon salad for two of us and a salad and French onion soup for the other lady.  Everything was delicious, but we were especially glad to have saved room for dessert!
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Friday, March 13, 2015

Friday Flowers 03-13-15

Guess we are skipping winter this year - we are still waiting for it to arrive.
When I was out the other day I found these great flower displays.
This nasturtium is blooming between the parking lot and the dumpster housing - it is the only one in sight and I suspect it is a volunteer.

The individual flowers are so elegant perch on the tip of the upturned stem.  And the water lily like leaves are somewhat humorous.

Rhaphiolepis is a common planting in parking lots and ranges from bright pink to white.   The common name is Indian Hawthorne.
Indian hawthorn (Rhaphiolepis indica) is a low-growing, evergreen shrub native to Asia. It grows from 3 to 6 feet tall and up to 5 feet in diameter. Clusters of white or delicate pink, lightly scented flowers develop in middle to late spring. [in this case in EARLY spring]

These bushes were alive with bees - here is one in the upper right corner.

Ice plant now comes in many colors - including these bright orange and yellow varieties.

This is on a downward slope that faces the street - very striking.
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Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Wordless Wednesday 03-11-15


Hawaiian quilting expert Nancy Lee Chong 03-10-15

Surfside Quilters Guild met this morning in San Clemente and we enjoyed Nancy Lee Chong as the speaker. She talked about her specialty Hawaiian quilting with many examples of her work and one of her sister's quilts.  She and her sister operate Pacific Rim Quilt Company which offers traditional and non-traditional patterns using the Hawaiian style techniques.  All of their patterns are originals with the traditional designs created using the flowers and leaves of the islands.   Check out the website, ask your program chair to invite her to do a program.  I am sure you will enjoy her presentation.
Breadfruit (42") being shown by Nancy Lee Chong

Crown Flower

Sea Turtles and Dolphins


 Two Fabric Applique Quilts
Candle Light

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Monday, March 9, 2015

Monday Browsing 03-09-15

Online portfolio from Front Range Contemporary  Quilters – Colorado

 Online portfolio from Studio Art Quilt Associates  - Professional members - International

 Online portfolio from Contemporary Quilt Art  - Washington State


Sunday, March 8, 2015

Another Charlotte Bird quilt in the Collection 03-08-15

I kept going back to this little quilt when it was hanging as part of an exhibit at Visions Art Museum in San Diego.  I'm sorry I can't do a better job of photographing the true colors, it is much more grey than blue. The artist's inspiration was pulling a word from the dictionary and creating a visual image based on the word. 
"Contortion"  Charlotte Bird - California  2011 12"W x 13.5"L
Hand dyed cotton fabrics, perle cotton, machine and hand stitching/quilting.
I like the way the lines do not meet - reminds me of what I come up with when I doodle, but I never thought of dividing it down the middle and shifting things around.
Lots of nice hand stitching, both running stitch and seed stitch using perle cotton.

I'm sure Charlotte has painted/dyed the background fabrics and also the red fabric.

The stitching shows on the back, no covering up for this artist.

A nice, clear label with all the pertinent info - including a contact - in case someone wants to see more of her work. 
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