Monday, June 9, 2008

BCQG QShow 06-09-08

I've known Nancy Ota since the early 1980s and have always been in awe of the detailed and precise work she does. She is surely the best embroiderer I have known and her quilts are perfection. Her quilt "Infinity" was a top prize winner in Paducah and is in the collection of the Museum of the American Quilter's Society. She had six pieces in the BCQG QShow this past weekend - each unique and lovely.
"Sea Leaves" Nancy Ota This piece originated in a Lorraine Torrence workshop.
"Sashiko n' Vest" Nancy Ota

Nancy teaches classes in sashiko - it is a technique that requires even stitches to create a regular pattern. Originally it was used in Japan to patch and strengthen garments and has become a decorative technique over the centuries.

"Fuji - San" Nancy Ota

This was Nancy's entry in the BCQG 2007 Challenge. All of the quilts were shown at the BCQG Spring Tea - 2007 and some members loaned their quilts back for a special display at the quilt show.

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