Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Not much happening 07-07-09

One of the things I have let slide too long is my incoming e-mail. So, if you haven't heard back from me, I apologize. I am working my way through from bottom to top and hope that sometime in this century I will go through them all. It has been so long since my inbox was empty I don't remember what it looked like! Tonight I will just give you some things that "Might be of Interest" - something I afflict my friends with when I come across something I think they might enjoy or find interesting.

When I was a child I enjoyed this kind of puzzle and, at that time, I was better at it.
If you move down the page they have ten more picture puzzles. Might be good for G'children!

Here is a champion at remembering things. I might get some help here, because I get worse and worse at remembering anything. Oddly enough, I can remember that there are things that I was unable to remember earlier, but I still can't remember what they were.

Ever get frustrated trying to find something in the dictionary? This might be part of the problem.

Are you a Starbucks fan? I certainly am, but not like this guy. Talk about obsession!

I'm warning you - this one can be addictive!

And my final thought on the N/L:
....a fulfillment of Eleanor Roosevelt's mandate, " do the thing you think you cannot do."
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