Saturday, July 10, 2010

Monterey Peninsula QGuild QShow 07-09-10

It has been almost a month since I drove north to see the Monterey Peninsula Quilters Guild Quilt Show, which occurs every other year. They have some excellent quiltmakers in their membership, so there are always interesting quilts. Three of these were started in Ruth McDowell classes and the fourth uses designs from one of Ruth's books. I enjoy seeing the final outcome of quilts that have been started in a class I was part of. Amazing results come from Ruth's classes and students who have never designed their own quilt are 'over-the-moon' with the results. Rarely someone completes a top in class, but they are always small works. The best way to start out on a new technique is to complete as much of the quilt in the class when the teacher is there to assist if you need it. Nice to see that some of these quiltmakers have received ribbons for their work.

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1 comment:

Suzanne Kistler said...

Beautiful quilts!! They make me want to take another class from Ruth, if only to hear her latest pointers and absorb her wisdom once again. Thank you for sharing the photos!