Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A "Puppachnio for the Poodle Prince

Here is another "browsing" that I didn't know about last night.  This is a "'virtual" quilt show that someone sent me this afternoon.  I don't know anything more about it than what is on the website.  I did 'register' and had a reply back acknowleging my presence.  It might be interesting.... or not!     http://inspiredtoquiltexpo.com    The dates are March 7 - 12. 

It used to be that Starbuck's would give out dog biscuits for dogs in cars at the drive-thru window, but then there was that scare about poisons in the biscuits that were made in China and a "no biscuit" rule was passed.  Sometime after that someone came up with the "Puppachino", a derivation on the Starbuck's Frappachino.  Not all locations know about this and some are unwilling when they are instructed, but it is worth asking if your four-footed friend needs a special treat.  

It is merely a small sample cup half full of whipped cream.  I don't let Corky eat all of it, a couple Tablespoons is enough.  He would lick out the very last drop if he had his druthers. 

I think he gets as much on his beard and face as he does down his throat!  I was trying to take a picture of the mess he makes and objects to me washing off.  I held the cup up so he would look up, but he is very white and the whipped cream equally so and it hardly shows at all.  He expects to have his face washed everyday, but his beard is another matter.   
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Michele Bilyeu said...

Speaking of videos, "Corky's Puppachino' would no doubt be a youtube sensation! Hmm...though I must admit, it sounds even better as a working quilt title to me ;)

Christine Thresh said...

What a wonderful photo of Corky.
And, yes, put him on youtube!