Thursday, October 25, 2012

More Needlework Treasures 10-25-12

After I posted about handmade gifts I took pictures of a number of others that I treasure.  I'll post them over the next month.  Warning:  This post contains nudity!!

Here are two gifts I received about twenty-five years apart. 
On the left is a scissors bob made with alphabet beads by Mabel Huseby from Washington Sate who I met at Empty Spools   She made me several of these that adorn a hemostat and.  various scissors, including my favorite Gingher Craft Scissors.
In the middle is a scissors doll made in 1986 by my late friend Margie Vandenberg as part of a Christmas gift project that was once done by Orange County Quilters Guild.  Even with over 400 members we handmade a gifts for each and every one.  This lasted several years until, I suppose the members that always volunteer got tired of volunteering.  Margie, who made the majority of these little dolls with their eleven black French knot eyes and hair, was a pro at making multiples of anything.  She was a volunteer at a local hospital and over the decades that she served she sewed tens of thousands of handkerchiefs with lace edging that were given to each newborn in the form of a little bonnet with a poem and instructions to clip certain stitches to make it back into a hanky for the baby's wedding day (girl or boy).  It was a lovely tradition that apparently ended with her death.  Many people, including me, have loving and thankful memories of Margie.    

I know this one was made by Margie because she gave it to me herself before the meeting.  You see the date 1986 and OCQG.  Above the date is "Xmas", but I didn't want to get the poor girl completely naked.
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Psstt....Del, I think she looks embarrassed! What would happen if she were in a car accident and went to the hospital with no undies!