Thursday, March 28, 2013

Pink Jasmine 03-28-13

Spring really has come to my neck of the woods.  I was in Long Beach today to pick up the Poodle Prince and it seemed like everything was blooming.  The residents in Corky's neighborhood are much more particular than those in my area, so there are always fresh bedding plants and blooming trees, shrubs and vines in their yards and the common areas. 

One of my favorites is pink jasmine which you see here growing on an iron fence.  There was once a vine growing on the fence outside my bedroom window, but when the neighbor wanted to put in a great tall, slump stone wall the vine had to go.  Every spring I wish I had planted another right away so I could enjoy the wonderful fragrance it spreads through the area. Maybe this year I will put one in.  It never seems to bother my breathing or make me sneeze, unlike some other very fragrant vines. 
When the buds first form they are very pink, but when the flowers open they are only faintly colored.  This wonderful specimen was a couple blocks from Corky's house, but I also saw some beautiful ones when I was in San Diego yesterday. 
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Quiltedtime said...

There is nothing more heavenly than the smell of Jasmine.

Dolores said...

The whole state is in bloom - wow - a lot of stunning views.