Saturday, April 13, 2013

Friday Feet 04-12-13

If I were doing a sit down author's talk it would not occur to me that my feet would be at the eye level of the audience.    But sitting in the front row, although not directly in front of the author, that is what I kept focusing on.  Since I "came of age" in the 1950's I cannot adjust to wearing shoes, especially high heels, without stockings.  I know it is the acceptable thing now and I even saw a "review" of the clothing worn by actresses at the Oscars that bad mouthed someone because she wore hose.  That certainly put me in the fuddy-duddy class.   We wore anklets through high school and then graduated to hose with seams that had to be kept straight up the back of one's legs and were held up with garter belts. Then in 1959 pantyhose were invented - Hallelujah.  Here is a page that tells that story:

Jacqueline Winspear has pretty decent legs and feet and she can wear whatever she likes!  I wear knee highs with my slacks.  Can't help myself.  
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Helen Percy Lystra said...

Came of age in the same era and I'm with you, have to wear them. Not only is it uncomfortable, going sockless ruins the inside of the shoes.

Patty ♣ said...

You are so funny Del! You've said what we all (of a certain age) think... Fuddy-duddy! Love it! I have to wear knee highs with slacks too, and socks in the cooler seasons, when I can't wear sandals. Thanks for my morning smile!

Quiltedtime said...

I'm with Helen. Stockings are worn to protect your feet AND the inside of your shoes.

Mary Ann said...

I always felt "grown up" feeling a silky slip swirling around my stocking legs. I'm not even sure they sell slips any more, but back in the day it was uncouth to go without one.

Anonymous said...

Perfect commmentary. I totally agree. At an author's night a few years ago the moderator wore a short dress above her knees, white legs, open toe shoes, and needed a pedicure badly. If her mother only knew!!! Why do woman think they are well dressed when they appear this way, especially in cooler months? BTW, I'm your age Del.

Unknown said...

Stockings are probably not much better, but actually, going barefoot in shoes promotes bacteria growth as well....a friend of mine did a Petrie dish example for her kids...taken from their shoes (worn without socks) and hers which she wore with socks....suffice it to say, the kids now voluntarily wear socks.

Dolores said...

Del, you can wear anything you want :) I don't wear hose but do wear knee highs :)

Linda Laird said...

Dear Del,
I'm with you on the shoes w/o stockings debate--I think it looks kind of "cheap"--another loaded word from back in the day. Also, closed shoes w/bare feet is too sweaty! Don't know where this style came from, but I'll just suit myself and be a "fuddy-duddy"!