Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Third Day of Elizabeth Busch class 10-15-14

We were still painting today and doing some composition exercises using black and white paper.  There are some gorgeous fabrics made by the students, I will try to include some tomorrow. 

This is the demo piece that Elizabeth has been working on.  After the paint was dry, she masked various parts using contact paper (the white on the top part) and plain old grey duct tape for the other areas she wanted to stay bright. . 

After applying more paint on top of the masks she tore off the tape and let the piece dry..  Then she put on another set of masking using masking tape and applied the black paint to make the black lines.

She encourages us to work spontaneously and suggests turning the fabric piece face down to cut it into pieces for the projects we will sew together.  Kind of a scary thing to do.
This is the cut piece she decided to use as her primary block; it is about 7" square..  On the left is a piece she is considering using which she pulled from her scrap stash.

She rotated the primary piece so the black lines  are vertical and added a piece from her scrap stash separated from the first piece by a very thin line of gold colored commercial cotton.  The green piece has been moved to form a horizontal "base"  and another piece from her scrap stash goes across the bottom.  As you can see, these are all pinned to the design board and can be moved around.
Elizabeth uses paper towels to mask off the excess, moving them around until she has the balance that pleases her.  The finish piece will be about 12" tall X 14" wide.

Not a very good image - I'll try for a better one tomorrow.  Check back.
Sewing starts tomorrow.
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1 comment:

Loretta said...

A sense of design is so, so important! Can this be learned in a classroom or is this an instinctive gene!? Note the importance of a "stash" ... I'm working on mine...just added five pieces of Gloria Loughman's hand dyes!! Her workshop was fantastic!