Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Getting ready for a road trip 04-20-15

I'll be on the road again for the next few weeks.  First to San Juan Bautista, then to Portland for the Studio Art Quilt Associates conference, followed by a visit to upstate Washington to visit Mabel, Mac, Reynola and Suzanne.  Then I will need to hightail it home to be at the SQG May meeting. 
I'm looking forward to visiting friends along the way and enjoying the TREES that I miss so much in SCalifornia.  I will try to blog every day and share my travels with you, but don't  worry if I miss a post now and then, I get very tired these days and need to limit the distance I drive in one stretch. 
Near Mt Shasta  June 5, 2009
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Dolores said...

Oh my - you don't let grass grow under your feet!!! I think it's great that you still are on the go so much and I always enjoy being along for the ride!! Enjoy!!!

Loretta said...

Happy traveling. You'll be driving in some of the most beautiful country. I look forward to your photos. Safe trip.