Sunday, January 10, 2016

Another auction quilt new to TCQC 01-10-16

The Alliance for American Quilts held a competition titled "Animals We Love"  and auctioned the quilts online last month.  This quilt won the competition and I won the bid for it. 
"Giraffe Nocturne"  Nancy S. Brown - Oakland, CA 2015  15.5"W x 15"L
Nancy does exquisite hand applique and specializes in images of animals.  She made this statement about her quilt: "I love giraffes and based this quilt on a giraffe that lives at the Oakland Zoo.  Giraffes only sleep about two hours a day - usually for about five minutes at a time - so they are awake most of the night.  I thought this one might enjoy the cool evening  air and the light of a full moon.
What great detail she has in the eyes. 

Those funny nostrils that giraffes have. 

Nice label with contact information.

The back has a matching 4 inch sleeve.

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Loretta said...

A wonderful quilt...and Nancy's sewing skills are extraordinary. Thank you for sharing.

NancyB said...

I am deeply honored that you purchased my giraffe quilt for your collection. Thank-you Del!