Sunday, May 15, 2016

Yvonne Porcella quilt added to TCQC 05-15-16

Yvonne Porcella's last exhibit was at Visions Art Museum in San Diego, it was a room full of color and some slightly whacky motifs.  I went back to see it several times before deciding that this quilt had to come home with me.  There was a row of about seven quilts the same size, all brilliantly colored, but the flowers on this one really speak to me.  It is now part of the Thomas Contemporary Quilt Collection - number 314.
"Arnold Marathon"  Yvonne Porcella 2006 15" x 60"
Cotton and silk, Fused, machine pieced and quilted.
The quilt is the same measurement all the way down, but my camera makes it look smaller at the bottom.  So here is an image of just the bottom.  Note the traditional Yvonne striped binding and the wonderful back and white flower stems.  She has used different widths of stripes.  The little nine-patches are cut from checkered fabric - I imagine they hark back to the earlier traditions of quiltmaking.
The petals of this flower are strictly fused with the quilting overlapping slightly in a few places.
Yvonne included Calla Lilies in quite a few of her quilts.
This one has silk petals which are stitched down very well.
A handwritten label with all the basic information.

The back is a solid blue which shows off the quilting.  Notice that Yvonne has written "Do Not Fold", although there are fold lines, so someone can't read.  Fortunately, the lines steamed out well, if not entirely. 
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Loretta said...

Yvonne Porcella will truly be missed by the quilting world and more. I'm so glad you now own this wonderful piece. It is very special.

Lisa Ellis said...

A great choice Del! This piece was a favorite of mine when I first saw it in Houston at her solo show. It combines her trademark color palette, materials and signature black and white. I miss her everyday.

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing Yvonne's quilt! I love it!