Friday, February 10, 2017

Not much to say 02-08-17

It was a lovely sunny day in Placentia, with temps in the low 70F.  KoKo and I walk twice a day in the morning and evening and have extended our walks gradually.  Sometimes even 20 minutes is exhausting, but he gets me out and drags me around.  He is a very good walker, stops and sits until I say "come" before crossing a street.   During the day he goes out into the backyard a couple times and I go with him because we have coyotes in the neighborhood and at eleven pounds he would make a nice meal.  We play toss and fetch with Froggie during the day until one of us gets tired of it.  Froggie remains his favorite toy although the new rabbit toy I bought him last week is fun because it has long floppy legs and a squeaker.  He adds a lot to my life.  If only he could talk!
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Loretta said...

I'm pleased that you and KoKo have a love affair's good for the soul!

Kathleen said...

I'm so glad you have Koko when you do.