Sunday, February 12, 2017

Revisit a quilt by Franki Kohler 02-12-17

"Gingkoes II"  Franki Kohler  2008  15" X15"
Fabrics: cotton, organza, tulle.  Threads: cotton, rayon, silk.  Beads.  Machine quilted.

I especially appreciate the use of print fabrics which are transformed by free motion stitching following the veining in real Gingko leaves - that lovely radiating fan from the stem to the leaf edge.

Notice her use of a variegated thread to give a touch of fall color.  Also the earth, sky, tree bark, leaf colored beads creating a formal framing.  I made this image a little darker to show the textured background fabric - very subtle.  It makes me think of Doreen Speckman's advice on choosing fabrics, "Are you glad it is there?  Do you miss it when you take it away?"   I would miss the texture if it weren't there, it adds a lot to this piece.

A plain printed label - I have added the size because it is helpful when I am arranging quilts.  I do wish artists would put a contact on the label - e-mail, address, whatever. These days it is a lot easier to find an artist through one of the important quilt organizations, but it is nice to just flip to the label for a contact.     
A plain back, but a great textured fabric that allows the quilting lines to be seen.  I like that Franki let the hand stitching on the beads show - sort of the mark of her hand. 

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Loretta said...

I love Franki's work...she has grown so much as an artist and quilter.

sonja said...

i also love Franki Kohler art and this quilt with green leaves and beads is stunning! Seems to me one could study leaves endlessly and still be amazed. One could look at this quilt and find it refreshing each time!

Sally Morris said...

Love this piece by Franki. She was in my mini group years ago. I understand your advice on contact information. This says Oakland, CA but she now lives in Portland, OR. You probably know that.

Kathleen said...

I love Ginko leavs and Franki's use of color is wonderful.