Thursday, March 16, 2017

A week after Empty Spools 03-16-17

Surfside Quilters Guild had a great meeting on Tuesday.  We sang Happy Birthday to our three most senior members - in their 90s and still going strong.  Amazing ladies.
Our speaker was Sylvia Davis from Los Angeles who talked about her quilting journey and showed quilts and quilt tops from three large suitcases.  She is a great speaker - informative, humorous, full of joy for quilting.  Her forte is scrap quilts and she has come up with some new ideas on how to put them together.  I recommend her if your guild is looking for a new speaker. 
I think I am recovered from my week at Empty Spools.  It seems to take longer to put everything away than it does to pack it all up in the first place.  My stuff is not all put away yet and I have to keep stepping around it.  Wonder when that will get old? 
KoKo had a good time at Nancy's - there were grandchildren to play with!  But he was happy to be home and checked out every detail on our first walk, it took almost half an hour.
Then he slept for the day. 
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