Sunday, June 11, 2017

KoKo and Duckie 06-11-17

KoKo does play with other toys, not just his favorite, Froggie. 
Sometimes he can't decide which he likes most.
Poor Duckie has had many surgeries.  Before KoKo could even touch him, I removed his hard plastic eyes so that KoKo wouldn't swallow them.  Then he lost his left wing because it was so damaged it couldn't be reattached.  Both legs have been repaired several times and now his right leg must be reattached again.  I don't think this was supposed to be a doggie toy, just not sturdy enough.  But I think this is KoKo's second favorite.  Froggie is always first.

1 comment:

Loretta said...

Pups just love stuffed animals with squeekies and parts that dangle!!!