Thursday, July 13, 2017

Keeping up 07-13-17

I hardly ever look at the statistics on my blog because they are so screwy!  Today I looked and it shows that yesterday I had 776 page views!  Not a chance.  My daily readership is between 100 and 200, depending if I have posted a quilt from Thomas Contemporary Quilt Collection.  Lots of readers just click on to see those.  I think most people who check out my blog are just curious what I have been doing and how life is going for me.  My friends in distant and not-so-distant places.

Lately it has been doctor/doctor/doctor!  Time for the annual physical and a battery of tests including mammo, bone density, carotid, etc.  I also am still doing PTherapy for my right shoulder which doesn't seem to be improving rapidly.  An MRI last week shows there is a tear which is small enough that surgery is not called for, which is a good thing because I am really not interested in any more surgery for my life time total.   I'm also trying new medication for my clinical depression since the last one quit working.  A friend read an short article in the July issue of "O"  magazine about a possible new treatment.  I haven't been able to find a copy of the July issue as the stores have already put out August, but I am still looking.  I actually read the article in one of the doctor's office waiting rooms, but didn't want to steal a page - that is so rude!  I might have to try the library. 

There is an opening for new exhibits at the Visions Art Museum in San Diego on Saturday evening.  I'm looking forward to seeing some humorous quilts. 
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1 comment:

Carol said...

Hi Del, Enjoy your trip tomorrow.