Monday, October 9, 2017

California fires 10-09-17

Other than smoke and ash, we are not affected by the fire in Orange County which is about 10 miles to the south of our house.  Except for the terrible traffic congestion since the 91Fwy and the 241 toll road are closed, along with many surface streets.  I have to drive to south county in the morning and am planning to leave extra early because I anticipate hitting bumper to bumper traffic.  Can't take my surface street detour because all the roads in that area are closed.  

Fortunately we have not had any fatalities here with what they are calling the Canyon Fire 2.  But those poor people in Santa Rosa are really in a terrible way with many fatalities and missing people.  And no end in sight for any of the fires.

Nobody is talking about the cause of the fires, but I have always wondered if the fires that start along the highways/freeways are started by people throwing cigarettes out the window of their vehicles.  I have seen them do it, but have not seen a fire started. 

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Loretta said...

I am south of the Napa/Sonoma fires, which seem to be spreading north. But, just in case the wind changes and they start moving south I have watered down the immediate area in the back woods and have set up many hoses in my back yard. Ash from the fires has floated down this way. I'm hoping no embers but just in case I have taken what precautions I can. The fires are horrible and so many people have lost their homes and all of their possessions. A truly dark time for all. Take care.

abelian said...

My son's family in North Tustin had to evacuate last night, and spent the night with friends. Three kids, two cats and two guinea pigs! Their house is fine, and I believe they'll be back home tonight, thanks to the wonderful firefighters. Dottie

UplayOnline said...

A truly dark time for all. Take care.

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