Sunday, November 5, 2017

Karen Stiehl Osborn quilt re-visited 11-05-17

There are a couple Karen Stiehl Osborn quilts in TCQC.  This one she offered 2010 for the highest bidder when she was raising money for one of her foster rescue doggies that needed surgery and I was the highest bidder.  The doggie had his surgery and now has a loving forever home. 
"Fifteen" Karen Stiehl Osborn 2010 15" x 15"
Karen made this piece for the QuiltArt Quinceanero exhibition in February 2010. It tells the story of her evolution in fiber art - from traditional pieced work with commercial batiks through her current fascination with painting on canvas.

 Her signature is on the front in the lower right corner. I do prefer that quilts be signed on the
front, as painters have been signing them for centuries.
The colored strips with batting showing on the edges represents her traditional quilts of yore. The birds on a wire are so special - I always enjoy watching the migrants flow down to land on the wires for a rest.
Karen is an early bird - up and out with her camera whenever she has a chance. I like this excerpt from her journal "...morning I set off early as the ......". I always admire early risers, but I am a confirmed night owl - it takes all kinds we night owls do the swing and graveyard shifts all over the world.

Great vivid blue back on this quilt and a thorough informative label. Check Karen's work on her website: and on her blog
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