Monday, February 5, 2018

WHEW I've been through the "mill"

After an uncountable number of attempts, I have finally gotten back into Google with a really weird, for me, password.  I have written it down twice and stored it in an obscure place, so I hope it will continue to work.  Been missing my blog and also access to Google Photos.  I am afraid that Picasa, which is no longer supported will collapse and a decade of photos will disappear.

I have not had the flu and keep using hand cleaner.  But I haven't been able to just stay at home and avoid exposure.  I have several events to share with you, including the fabulous class I had with Sue Benner in Tucson, AZ in early January.  That is where I was when my Google problems started.  Also attended the opening of new exhibits at Visions Art Museum in San Diego.  I urge you to make a visit to see works by Jane Sassaman, Betty Busby, Regina Benson and Erma Martin Yost, who creates gorgeous "Felted Gardens".  Also two exhibits of small quilts by members of Visions (are you a member?  You should be.) from all over the world and by members of Canyon Quilters Guild which supports the Visions "vision" all  year around.  Today I am trying to complete the Surfside Quilters Guild newsletter and then I will get going on my blog.  Meanwhile, here is my constant companion at rest.

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Anonymous said...

Really glad to hear from you....missed your interesting blog, keep well.

Dolores said...

YAY, you're back!!! XX

Sherry Loos said...

So glad you are back blogging. Koko looks exhausted from all the Google problems!

Loretta said...

Oh so pleased to have you and KoKo back. We'll catch up with your adventures over the next week. Take care and stay well.

Sherrie Spangler said...

I had the same fear about losing my Picasa photos when I switched to a new computer and couldn't upload Picasa onto it. Somehow my hubby managed to get them transferred over. I'm sure you could take your computer somewhere -- or have the Geek Squad come to your house -- to save the photos.