Thursday, March 1, 2018

Day 5 at Empty Spools with Sue Benner 03-01-18

I must admit I may be getting too old to being doing even an week at Empty Spools.  I am so tired tonight that I can hardly type straight.  It was a very windy, rainy day and I feel fortunate to be in the same building as my classroom.  I ate from my food bag for breakfast, another student picked me up a sandwich when she went to the snack bar for something for herself, and I ate the other half of that huge ham/cheese sandwich for dinner.  So, I didn't go outside at all until 4pm and time for the "walk about" when all the classrooms are open for other students to walk through and see what has been going on all week.  I drove over to Merrill Hall to see Lenore Crawford's class and to pick up a BIRD quilt a bought from her.  Then I stopped at Jeannette DeNicolis Meyer's class where they have been sewing all sorts of curves, and finally at Kathy Doughty's room where everyone was making a different quilt using 60degree angles (diamonds, triangles, hexagons, etc.) - it looked like a color wheel had exploded!  Very exciting work was being done.  I  moved quickly and only got a tiny bit wet.  

Back in Sue's classroom I really pushed to finish my eleven blocks.  I had to make the extra one because I didn't have enough dark fabrics to balance all the blocks.  They are pinned up on my design wall in a rough order  and I will not do anything more to them until after I return home and finish the Surfside newsletter which will be late! I like to get it out about 10 days before the meeting, but I haven't been able to work on it since I came up here, so I will be lucky to have it out a week before the meeting.  Sorry, ladies. 

Here are my eleven blocks.  Several have a tiny bit of brighter yellow and I will try to add that to each block.  One of the blocks has no aqua and I haven't yet figured out a way to add that.

This is my favorite block.  I imagine it is because it is the most flower like.

We will all pack up in the morning; we must be out of our sleeping rooms by 10am, and out of the classroom by 11:30am.  Lunch is included, but I think I will go to the Red House for lunch, stop at Back Porch one more time, and then head for Mary's where I will spend the night.  Saturday morning I'll be on the road home and on to San Clemente to pick up KoKo.  I surely have missed that little guy.  

I am exhausted! 
#   #   #


Loretta said...

We older gals do wear out fast don't we! I haven't been to Asilomar for 2 years now because after I complete and drove home my last year I had to rest for 3-4 days and then unpack! Much, much too much energy spent! It is my wish to go back for another workshop some time, but the thought of all of that action seems overwhelming! I have been going off on a week long retreat to the Sonoma area which is much easier as I work at my own project at my own speed and I can leave the work area at any time to just sit in the gardens! Sure is nice not to have the pressure of a specific project! I use my time at the retreat to work on whatever I have underway...this year it will be a small quilt for a new little guy and I have not deadline until his first birthday in November. Enjoy your KoKo...he misses you as much as you miss him. Take care.

Carol said...

Del, Be extra careful on the drive home! xo