Saturday, June 9, 2018

Friday FOOD 06-08-18

I am tired of Friday Feet after so many years.  I think Friday will be for food for a while. 

 Machego compressed salad at Tanaga @ Bower's Museum  02-23-13

Salmon Caesar Salad at Tanaga @ Bower's Museum  02-23-13

I have heard lately that photographing one's food is an Millennial "thing", but I remember in 1990 I was on a trip with some ladies and one of them photographed most of her meals.  We all thought it was a little odd, but it was fun to look back in several years to see what we had been eating.  Once I had a digital camera I started photographing my food at restaurants and also that of my dining partners.  If it was interesting or outstanding it eventually became grist for my blog.  We will revisit some of those meals, like this one from 2013 at the highly rated Tanaga restaurant at Bower's Museum in Santa Ana, CA.  

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