Friday, September 14, 2018

Friday Food 09-14-18

There is a Haven Gastropub in Orange and one in Pasadena.  I know it is a chain, or maybe a franchise, so there must be more around.  The only thing I have ever order there is the lamb burger, which is fabulous and comes with a huge pile of the very best skinny, crispy fries.   And I always have cold, fresh water along with them.   They make their own ketchup and one of the ingredients is cinnamon!  Not something I would expect, but delicious.  I always have half a burger left and lots of fries, so I ask for additional ketchup and that is what I have for dinner that night.  

One friend thinks I should not show half eaten food in my blog, but this is the only way you can see what is inside that big, fat bun.   I usually avoid sprouts because they so frequently cause problems, but I have never had a problem at Haven.  
Check for a Haven near you, if you like lamb; it is the best. 
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1 comment:

Loretta said...

I'll be looking for Haven and the lamb. Thank you. P.S. When it's a burger, 1/2 eaten is fine!