Tuesday, December 17, 2019

KoKo again tonight 12-17-19

Does KoKo do a great otter imitation, or what?

Trouble is he isn't interested in swimming. 

But walking is good, twice a day. 

The wind has been strong for a couple days so there aren't many leaves that aren't completely dried up and piled on porches and gutters.  One day there were lovely pools of color under the liquid ambers and crepe myrtles and now all trees are bare and the color is gone.  Rain predicted for Christmas, unusual for SCalifornia. 
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1 comment:

Mary Ann said...

Bobby spends his days either denning or curled up next to me. He is back, my yard is fenced in so he can roam a biting the yard! Since he is short coated he is very cold sensitive, today he wouldn't go out to potty until 12;30 when I came home.