Sunday, May 16, 2021

It is May Greys today 05-16-21

Regardless of climate change, in May we have hot days - in the high 80s - and cool grey days.  Today was one of the latter.  I even had to turn on the little electric heater for an hour or so.  KoKo had a bath and I needed to get him as dry as I could.  Also washed his bed and Froggy in preparation for a night at the KoKo keepers house on Monday and into Tuesday.  

For some unknown reason I seem to be on the mailing list of every non-profit in the country.  Since the first of April I have received about 55 unsolicited solicitation letters.  Who sold me to all these places?  They are really ridiculous - four from ASPC, three from Audubon!  What a waste of money just to ask for money.  I have sent them all back using their return envelopes and putting a stamp on those that weren't franked.  Many of them enclose sheets of return address labels - if I kept them all I could paper my bathroom.  This is all so irritating to me - it actually raises my BP I get so mad.  All in the time of Covid! 


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Loretta said...

It is grey, cold and windy here in marvelous Marin and has been for a number of days now....I don't like to work in the garden, or sit and read on my deck when it is windy....soooo, it indoors for me again today. I do hope you are enjoying another good book. Take care and stay well.

Mary Ann said...

We are enjoying sun and warmth today, in the 70s. Actually northern Ohio is having a drought!
Don't reply to money requests, they count you as a reply and send more mail. I just throw everything out or you can use the junk mail as print paper for gel plate art.