Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Here is that koKo again. 10-26-21

KoKo loves Froggy.  But before Froggy there was Ducky.  He is usually buried in the bottom of the toy basket, but tonight KoKo dug him out and brought him to me to play Toss It.  Wonder what gets into his head when he does this.  Soon he went back to Froggy. 

He doesn't always want to play with Froggy.  Here he is using him for a head prop while he takes a nap.  Of course, if I get the phone out to take a picture he is immediately awake.

As in this image where he is giving me the stink eye because I woke him up. 

 When I came home from my trip and picked him up we both took a nap.  Is he relaxed, or what?  

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