Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Christmas creeping up 11-30-21

Out of the fifty or so houses in my immediate neighborhood (what I call the Loop) only about eight have Christmas lights or decorations up.  

The giant skeleton has been dressed up with a santa suit.  No hat, so far.  I wonder what will they do after Christmas?   A beating heart for Valentines?  Bunny ears for Easter?The two blackbirds have flown away to be replaced by black gift boxes.  

I needed a Covid test within five days of my scheduled epidural, which is Thursday, and had to drive down to my doctor's office in Orange.  I couldn't find a pharmacy nearby with an open reservation.  I didn't think about making a reservation last week to have the test this week - duh!  Anyway it only took about an hour and 15 minutes to drive there, have the one minute swab and drive home.  The test was negative, as I expected.  I try to be masked and distanced when I am among people.   Even at the Starbuck's drive thru window.  One doesn't know these days.

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