Monday, February 28, 2022

Live and Learn 02-28-22

I admit to being a first class procrastinator, something that has come with age as I didn't used to be this way.  I was once very decisive and "with it".  Can't seem to turn back the clock on this.  One thing I have let slide has been battery operated devices - flashlights, timers, thermometers, etc.   So, last week I took a basket of things that didn't work to a shop at Imperial Hwy and Brea Blvd called Batteries+ Bulbs where a nice young man named Robert was very helpful.  I thought that a set of three identical small flashlights (car, bathroom, front door) just needed new bulbs.  What I found out is that many (if not most) flashlights no longer have replaceable bulbs.  Nothing to do but add them to the mountains of trash.  The LED bulbs are much brighter and, supposedly, last much longer.  

But Robert did have bulbs or batteries for the other items.  The clip-on book light that I only use when I travel.  Two thermometers - one for the bathroom and one for my "travel case".  Two timers - one that hangs around my neck so that I know when time is up no matter where in the house/yard I am and the three button one for general use.  The red flashlight that lives on the workbench in the garage.  The black flashlight which will now live in the glovebox.   And he sold me three new flashlights to replace those that went in the trash.  All told about $50 and, I think, $50 well spent.  Robert disposed of the dead batteries and the dead flashlights, so I don't need to go to the hazardous waste place in Anaheim.   It was a good day!

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abelian said...

Definitely worth it! Much easier than searching the racks at another store, and finding that the one you need is sold out. I went to my local Batteries + Bulbs when the battery on my car’s key fob was dying. Luckily, the car warned me before it was completely dead. Dottie

Rebecca said...

Good to read this. We had a "Batteries Plus" (I don't recall bulbs in the name) very nearby, but it moved on. It was wonderfully handy, and had everything from the tiniest to golf cart batteries.

Carol said...

That’s a great service!