Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Christmas Day that was 12-26-23

As it turned out I had two Christmas dinners.   Several weeks ago there was a post on Next Door with the offer of a free Xmas dinner, all one needed to do was make a "reservation" and pick it up on Xmas Day, no charge!   I  ordered two dinners thinking I would ask my neighbor if he would like one.  But with my procrastinating ways I never asked him.   However, on Friday my friend Tina told me one of her family had Covid and another had flu like symptoms.  She is my age and doesn't want any germs, so I told her about the extra dinner I had ordered.  At 2pm on Monday I drove over to Villa Park, a verrrry fancy town about 15 minutes away to pick  up the dinners. It is a high price area with enormous houses; this one must be at least twice as big as mine, maybe 5 or 6 bedrooms.  Sort of French provincial.  A lady on the curb asked "how many?" and I said two, she passed that onto a teenage boy who had come out.  Soon he returned with two to-go boxes, I said "Thank You" and passed  him a small bag with a  hank You card and a waxed amaryllis bulb. I drove to Tina's who had the table set and we enjoyed our dinner while KoKo drooled at our feet. Eventually he just crawled in  his bed and went to sleep.   We had a good serving of ham, carrot rounds, potato casserole with cornflakes (new to me), red Jello, a bread roll, and rice crispy treat for dessert (I will offer them to the boys).

Blow up Santa in the front yard. 

KoKo and I came home and had a nap.  
About 7pm  Anna, who is sometimes my studio assistant, called to say she would like to bring me dinner from her family's Xmas meal.   Although I told her we had already eaten, she insisted.  They had an unusual meal, but when I ate it for  lunch today it  was very tasty and  there is enough for lunch tomorrow.
Lasagna, chicken alfredo, the best corn corn casserole, mashed potatoes, a bread roll, a fresh pear, a square of homemade fudge, and a large serving of apple pan dowdy. 
I will always think of this Xmas as the double  dinner  \Xmas!
I haven't put up lights since a few years after Floyd died, but this arrangement  on a one storied  house tempts me to copy it next year using green lights  so it looks like a row of  trees.

A  full moon rising when we took our evening walk about 6pm.
A little hazy, but no rain predicted.  

KoKo is past ready for bed tonight.   He had extra treats  yesterday and  I suppose he wonders why not today!    He still weighs 12 pounds.   

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Sonia said...

Del, I have enjoyed your Christmas postings so much! Thank you, and Happy Holidays to you!

Mary Ann said...

So glad people offer dinners. I had Lipton chicken noodle soup which was good since I had endured hospital food for a week and just wanted something warm and tasty. Glad to be home and recovering with my bum foot. Let's hope for better 2024!