Friday, February 29, 2008

Detached garages 02-29-08

When I travel I am always seeing and photographing one-car detached garages. They are almost all quite old, some so narrow that parking one of today's cars might be possible, but you would never get the doors open! In my area the garages are mostly doubles (or triples) and are built as part of the house. So, it is a wonder to me that I never noticed this one on the alley behind my automobile repair garage (where I just had the A/C in my van fixed for about $400 - groan). It may have been attached at one time, but whatever structure it depended on was replaced by an apartment building. People do quilts of houses, windows, doors, outhouses, mailboxes... I don't know why someday I can't do one with one-car detached garages!
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