Friday, April 25, 2008

Did you notice?

I cannot resist taking pictures of odd things that I notice, digital makes it so easy to just whip out my camera and click away. Like the Fairy in the Trashcan

Walking through a parking lot today I saw these wings in the back window of a car. I wonder who left their wings behind. And do they miss them?

Last October I took this funny picture of Bermuda grass that has grown up through the sign pole (7 feet?) and out the top. Bermuda grass will grow anywhere if you don't watch it carefully.

When I was on a road trip in July 2005 I drove through Hailey, Idaho, and noticed these odd stop signs. A main highway goes through the center of town and is apparently very dangerous. So, before you walk across the street you are supposed to take a red flag, hold it high as you cross the highway and then put it in a similar holder on the other side of the street. I think the matching motorcycle adds a nice touch. I wonder if he forgot to carry a flag.

On the same trip, somewhere near the Idaho/Utah border this truck was bearing down on my van. I was afraid if I didn't get out of his way he might take a bite out of my tailpipe. I have since seen this sort of grill decoration all over the West.
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Patty ♣ said...

Del, I love this stuff! We are always amused by things plants do. There is something like this sign with grass climbing out the top on the way to San Diego. Before you come to Oceanside, where the tomatoes and peppers are grown each year...The sight gives us a grin each time we see it. The truck is scary!

jpsam said...

That bermuda grass pic is scary!