Friday, October 17, 2008

PIQF 10-16-08

Blogger doesn't seem to want me to post pictures tonight! So, I'll try posting some tomorrow morning. I think the PIQF show is just as good as always, but I must admit I have not even seen a fourth of it. Mary and her friend Chris and I had agreed to meet to leave for home at 3pm, but at 2pm I just couldn't do anymore looking, standing, reading, photographing, visiting, etc. I told Mary I could just wait for them to finish, but they said that they were also ready to go. Don't know why I am dragging this week - maybe I have "autumn fever"! We are not going back tomorrow (Friday), but plan to go on Saturday and I can go back alone on Sunday if I want to do some more photography. If I am feeling really spry tomorrow morning I might drive up for a couple hours, but it is an hour's drive on Hwy 101 on Friday. Don't know.

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