Monday, November 16, 2009

Dijanne Cevaal quilt from TCQC 11-15-09

I like much of Dijanne's work, to the point that I am afraid to look at what she has in her gallery lest I be unable to resist adding another of her works to the TCQC. There are several artists that appeal to me that much. Would that I were a millionairess - I guess I would start my own museum.
This piece does not appeal to everyone, but I think it is very special, and not just because it is in one of my favorite color schemes - acid green and blue-violet. It seems to me that Dijanne has the balance just right in this quilt, something I seem to be unable to do.
"African Inspiration" Dijanne Cevaal 2004 36" square
Dijanne lives in Gellibrand, Victoria, Australia, and travels extensively - curating exhibits, teaching, learning. She has this to say about this quilt: "In the Congo and western Africa you often encounter hand dyed cloth in greens and purples - they inspired this quilt which is hand dyed silk and tie dyes."
Dijanne does a lot of dyeing and experimenting with different methods, techniques and patterns. She has written several books, including the fascinating "72 Ways Not to Stipple or Meander" and "72 More Ways Not to Stipple or Meander". These are available directly from Dijanne on her blog
See more of her work at:

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1 comment:

Connie said...

I have a 12" of Dijanne's with your colors plus orange. It hangs where I see it every day I come into the studio and I too love her work. I have a "won the lottery" list and art quilts are certainly on it. Happy collecting and creating.