Friday, October 8, 2010

Great lunch in Santa Barbara - 26Sep 10-08-10

I'm baaaaaaack! I didn't mean to be gone so long. It started with not having a computer that would work when I needed it to. The Surfside Quilters Guild newsletter was due to be posted on the 28th, but with all the switching back and forth between computers and typing articles that would disappear when I went back to them, it was posted a week late. I'm still having computer problems, but currently my new Dell is working nicely.
On Sunday, Sep 26 I was thoroughly disgusted and I ran away to the Coastal Quilters quilt show in Santa Barbara with my friend Liz Williams. It was a nice show and the talented Norah McMeeking was the featured artist. I have pictures to show starting tomorrow evening.
When we left the show we asked the ladies at the entrance table for suggestions for lunch. They directed us to the fantastic Renaud's Patisserie & Bistro. Admittedly we were starving, but the food was excellent. I started with a latte - it always puts me in a good mood to have a flower!

I ordered the Croque Madame - basically a melted cheese sandwich with a fried egg on top.

Liz had Raclette for the first time and loved it. We did share bites, of course.

Renaud's is tucked into the elbow of a shopping strip at the NW corner of State Street and Los Positos Street. I recommend it They are open for breakfast and lunch.
Starting on Monday, Sep 27, I applied myself to the newsletter and taking care of the Poodle Prince. I also visited the Bowers Museum quilt exhibit and I recommend it, too. It isn't a huge exhibit, maybe twenty quilts, but there are some special pieces included, all from the collection of the Museum. Somewhere along the way I picked up a germ and by Sunday night when I took Corky home to his parents I had started one of my fearful colds. The last five days I have been doing the "rest in bed, drink plenty of fluids, take Tylenol for aches, etc....." I do feel better today, but I can't talk without coughing and my ears still hurt. I picked Corky up this evening for a five day stay at Camp Del. We'll do okay - I can't talk, but he can't hear me anyway!
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dee said...

Hope you're feeling much better soon.
The food looks yummy. Just the idea of doing something normal, like lunch, looks like heaven.
Glad you're back.

Christine Thresh said...

I am so glad to see you back.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Del, WELCOME BACK...I've missed you and I hope you are well and happy and that your computer(s) are functioning perfectly. Warm regards, Loretta

Suzanne Kistler said...

Welcome back!! I missed you.

Hope that your cold leaves, and that you feel better soon!!

Patty ♣ said...

YAY! I hope that this is the beginning of only good times with the Dell! Rest and be well! That food looks delish! ♥