Friday, February 25, 2011

Friday Feet - Lesson Learned 02-15-11

I was looking for a picture in Picasa last week and I came across some images of my feet that I took in 2006.  I had noticed that my right foot was swollen, but it didn't hurt at all and I just ignored it for a month or so..  When the swelling didn't go down, I went to the podiatrist who had treated me for a fractured ankle (left) and other things.  She did some x-rays and discovered a fractured bone in my ankle.  But it didn't hurt!  I wore a cast and used a cane and wheelchair and got over it, but my right foot is still larger than my left. 

Guess I learned to keep better watch of my body.  But I still wonder how I could have a broken bone and not know it - not even hurt!  When I broke the left one I got out of bed one morning and couldn't walk.  Osteoporosis?  I did injections for two years and take a daily Rx now.  It is all a mystery to me. 
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