Friday, May 6, 2011

A Quilt From the Past 05-05-11

When I was looking for a certain picture in my vast photo files I came across these pictures of a quilt I made in 2006. I'm not quite sure where it is, somewhere on my storage shelves. Not my most successful effort and I am not exactly sure why. Partially it is the color values. And maybe my idea of making a floating fence wasn't the best design decision. The idea came from the snow fences I saw across Montana and Wyoming while on a road trip. They, of course, are not bright red, but usually beige or brown, they blend into the green/yellow/beige grasses of that wide open country and sometimes appear to be floating.   I hope to get back to quilt making this summer and maybe I will dig this one out and try some "revisions".

"Red Fence" Del Thomas 2006 40"W x 32"L

The background was pieced using Ruth McDowell's techniques. I sandwiched the layers, quilted the entire background and added the binding. I've used this method for quite a few years and was surprised to recently hear that it had just been "invented". There is nothing new under the sun, eh?  After all this was done I fused on the fence and stitched around the raw edges.

I used my "floppy flower/floppy sun" quilting for the sky and "perspective" lines for the ground.

Not a fancy label, but it says what it needs to.  I sometimes do labels on the computer, but I find that hand printing them is faster. 
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Loretta said...

I love your quilts...whimsical, colorful, usually simple in visual order, but with great depth of design. I do hope you'll get back to your quilting soon! Please keep sharing.

Rayna said...

WRONG! This quilt has wonderful color, movement, and depth. A real art quilt, Del - you should recognize it for what it is. Love it.

Dolores said...

It's a fantastic quilt - happy and lively!!! XX