Sunday, July 17, 2011

Quilt by Carol Ann Waugh 07-17-11

Adding a quilt to the Thomas Contemporary Quilt Collection is always a thrill for me, but I never know when that might happen.   While I was at the SAQA conference in Denver a self-driving tour of quilt exhibits took us to Golden and back to Denver where we saw the quilts of Carol Ann Waugh.  WOW!  Unfortunately, Carol mounts her work and I avoid framed and mounted pieces because of the extra storage requirements.  But Carol had not yet mounted this quilt and agree to finish it unmounted and sell it to me.  Hurrah! 
I'm am showing it sideways because it is long and skinny and a vertical picture doesn't work well.  The bottom of the quilt is darker and is on the right side of the image below. 

"Allegro"  Carol Ann Waugh - Denver, CO  2011  12"W x 48"L 
Hand dyed cotton fabric embellished with hand stitching, machine stitching and couching, machine quilting.

There is such variety in the stitching on this quilt that I see something new every time I look at it.  There are five rows of tiny rick-rack, all but one stitched with a straight stitch down the middle.  That odd man out is a slightly larger rick-rack and it is stitched with zig-zag stitch. 

Machine couching was used for yarn, cords, braid, and, of course, rick-rack.  In the section above the blue curving line is rat-tail cord, the flat blue is a shiny ribbon, two rows below is a nubby yarn, and down another two rows Carol has couched a braided metallic gold cord.  
She has also done lots of hand stitching - French knots (large and small), running stitch, seed stitch and probably others I have yet to discover.

All those fancy stitches on our machines?  Carol has used some I've never seen before.  She has made excellent use of this usually neglected tool most of us have at hand.

I'm impressed that she has been able to create such smooth curves with the fancy stitches - hard to do.

The colors are so rich and warm, my pictures don't do them justice.
The label is hard, shiny plastic - very clever, but I haven't a clue how she made it.  It is special.
The back is solid black cotton with the red thread of the quilting showing well.  It doesn't show on the front unless I really focus to find it.
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Patty ♣ said...

Beautiful Del! A very nice addition to your collection!

Corky said...

What a beautiful quilt!

Nancy said...

Del, this is scrumptious. I love Carol's work. Had not seen it before SAQA conference, but fell in love with it there. Nancy

Bev said...

what a great piece! and I do love her label

Carol Ann said...

That is the best description of my work I've even read! Thanks Del, for adding it to your extensive collection.

I learned about making this label from Susan Shie. I draw on "Shrinky Dink", punch holes in the corners and bake for 3 minutes. It shrinks and becomes hard.