Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Time for flu shots 10-04-11

Every year I have a flu shot, as do millions of people across the country, and today when I visited my doctor for something else I had my 2011-12 shot.  The shots never bother me, except sometimes a little sore spot on my arm.  But today --- Look Out!  By the time I drove home my head, arms and chest ached, my eyes were puffy and I was soooo sleepy.  I felt terrible.  I finally went to bed with several layers of quilts to keep me from shivering.  Soon I went to sleep, more like unconscious, and the day is a blank.  I called the doctor when I woke up about 4pm, just to tell her that I had a reaction.   She thought I should call the paramedics, but I figured it was too late for that, I was beginning to feel better.  Besides, I didn't want to tell her that calling 911 had not even crossed my mind.  I've had reactions to medication of all kinds, but I hope this is the only one I have to a flu shot.  I think having the flu is worse and more frightening.
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Patty ♣ said...

Oh My Del! I am so thankful that you are okay now!!! That was scary.

Dolores said...

Geez that must have been scary!!! Thank God you're OK. XX

Christine Thresh said...

Oh, dear. I've avoided flu shots for years. I have heard about terrible reactions. I guess you had one. You are okay now?