Friday, January 20, 2012

Friday Feet - I never thought I would....

...wear Velcro shoes! 
Well, the day has come.  Not only are they Velcro, they are men's shoes from SAS!  Woe is I.

You'll notice that the Velcro continues up the shin of the left leg.  It is part of my new Richie ankle brace.
Cute, eh?  Stylish!
It feels like those "cement shoes" that are mentioned in Mafia movies. 
This all started in July when I woke up one morning and couldn't walk on my left foot.  Since then I've had a variety of supports, wraps, stockings... whatever.  But a recent MRI  shows that there isn't enough healing going on - even after six months.  The older we get the longer it takes things to heal, or so they say.  I may have to wear the brace for as much as a year - groan.  But, of course, "we'll have to see".  Since today is the first day of whatever length of time, I have my doubts that I can get around in this contraption, but I will try my best.  
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Ruth said...

I like your new shoes better than those ridiculous 5-6" heels that seem to be all the rage right now. Aren't you lucky you don't want to wear those!

Cedar Ridge Studio said...

Looks good I have been wearing mens shoes for over 5 years. I pronate bad and need to strap in my left foot to be comfortable. Such is life.

Jeanne Turner McBrayer said...

I think we sprained our ankles at about the same time. Mine is not healed yet, either, and I started physical therapy last week. Big shoes are our friends!

Christine Thresh said...

My Finn Comfort shoes have velcro. I find they are very comfortable.

Dolores said...

We need to do what we need to do. I now wear hearing aids - what's next?@?@? Good luck with those, my friend, you can do it!!!

Martha Ginn said...

Del, these SAS velcro strap shoes were standard fare for my husband. I hope they help with your healing; foot pain is really a bummer!
Martha Ginn

Rayna said...

These are really quite trendy - young women spend fortunes on Doc Martens so they can look like this. And if they help, hey - you have nothing to lose!

Loretta said...

They are trendy!! My oxfords do not look chic with my little pink chiffon frock, so I stay with slacks! Comfort is the ONLY way to keep up our life's pace. Warm regards.

Del said...

Trendy or not, I feel like I have a cement block on my left foot and maybe half of one on my right foot. At this point I can't tell if the brace is helping - the ankle still hurts. But I'll keep plugging along, hoping that someday I will walk like a "lady" again. Oh, my, these echoes of my grandmother!

Patty ♣ said...

How do you tell that they are MENs shoes? They just look like the shoes I see on everyone. Sorry that they feel heavy to you.. I hope that you start seeing good results!♥
My feet have been hurting lately, >rain.

June said...

Rayna's right -- these are all the rage in youth-oriented Portland. I will admit to having seen a woman with stack soles and 5 inch heels loading a truck the other day. But that was down in the industrial district -- not quite your style (or perhaps your professional interest?)

You are probably staying up late getting ready for one of your many many presentations tonight. Have fun with them -- such exciting times. But don't work too hard.

Terry Grant said...

I have a love/hate relationship with clunky shoes. Love how they feel, hate how they look. My 85 year old friend had surgery on her feet a year ago. She said it was a result of wearing cute shoes all her life, but it was worth it! She is now wearing Birkenstocks and sneers at them, then raves about how comfortable they are. I think there is a market for stylish, yet sensible shoes for women of a certain age.