Monday, February 13, 2012

TCQC - Helen Conway quilt 02-12-12

Here is another of the gift quilts from the Twelve by Twelve group.  As I explained before, the wall where the selections from TCQC are displayed would only hold forty quilts and some hard decisions had to be made about what quilts would make the most comprehensive exhibit.  This is one that didn't make that cut.
 Helen lives in St. Helens, England, and her work can be seen at

"From an English Country Garden"  Helen L. Conway   2011  12" x 12"
Commercial and Hand-dyed cottons, beads, metallic thread, cotton thread.  

One of my favorite color combinations - acid green and orange - this piece really works for me.  The gold leaves on the left are printed with real leaves; as far as I can tell they are six different leaves.  On the right side the rust tree branches sport varied orange leaves superimposed over a sort of shadow of branches and leaves outlined in metallic thread.  The hand stitching is intriguing with seed stitches randomly placed around the branches and two sets of three straight stitches on the background of the gold leaves.   I don't need to know why the artist put the stitches where they are - they just seem to belong there.   

I believe the back is a commercial print.   The machine quilting does not go through all layers, but the hand stitching does.  There is a generous sleeve - Helen has left enough ease that a fat rod will not distort the front of the quilt when it is hung.
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Deborah Boschert said...

Just charming! I love Helen's work.

Loretta said...

As I progress through the world of quilting, I'm fascinated by the results of creative inspiration and fun with threads and fabrics. A special little quilt. Thank you.

Unknown said...

The handstitches are there because it is my little signature stitch and they are placed where they are because... Well, yes,because they seemed to belong there!!
thanks for posting my quilt.