Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Produce from the Chinese "99 Market" 12-18-12

I drove down to San Clemente this morning for the Surfside QGuild board meeting.  Such a nice group of women.  It rained heavily on the way down, but by the time I was on the road home the sun was peeking through and it was clear and sunny in Placentia.  However, all around the horizon was a ruffle of clouds, mostly fluffy white, but some ominous dark grey to the south - above San Clemente and over the mountains to the north.

A friend kindly corrected me - the 99 Market is Chinese, although they carry food from many different Asian cuisines.
I stopped at the 99 Market, a large Japanese Chinese store in Irvine right off the I-5.  I was seeking the tiny bok choy they carry which I cannot find anywhere else.  Of course, there were other things I couldn't pass up.  I'd show a picture of the sushi tray, but I have already devoured those for dinner, along with some sauteed baby bok choy. 

On the left are two Jonagold apples, one of my favorites that is available for a very limited time in the early winter.  The smaller one came from Albertson's few days ago and the huge one came from "99".  It is big enough to make four servings for me.  Then there is a Fuerte avacado, which has a flavor that I like better than the Haas, but it has poor shelf life due to the thin skin.   It is becoming rare as a commercial product.   On the right rear is an apple new to me called "Pinata" which the sign told me has "undertones of citrus". Wine-speak applied to fruits!   Front right are four Fuyu persimmons, another fruit that is available for only a short time in late fall/early winter.  They are delicious eaten raw, skin and all, and make a great addition to a green salad with oil/lemon dressing.  And, finally, the baby bok choy which they only sell in a fairly large cello wrapped bunch.  I'll either find someone who would like some of it, or I will be eating bok choy for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  I just slice it lengthwise and saute it with some chopped garlic or shallot.  Sometimes when I make soup I drop some slices in during the last few minutes, but I eat them all in the first bowl because I don't like the flavor after the soup has been refrigerated. 
I have some lamb shoulder to make into soup tomorrow and also enough spinach to make another pot of spinach soup - it is really potato soup with spinach added.
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Quiltedtime said...

Some nice, healthy eating going on there, Del. A woman after my own heart.

Carol said...

Such an artist, Del! Both with photos and with words.

dee said...

YUM! Fuyu- can't get enough of them. Happy Christmas Del.