Sunday, December 16, 2012

Sonia Grasvik quilt from SAQA online auction 12-16-12

This lovely little quilt from Sonia Grasvik is so evocative of  flocks of little birds in winter - even in SCalifornia.  They are so much more visible when the branches are bare - I watch them in the rose bushes outside my kitchen window. 

"In the Thicket"  Sonia Grasvik - Seattle, WA 2012  11.75" x 11.75"
 Hand dyed and commercial cottons, silk thread, fabric ink pens.
Machine pieced, FMQ.
Sonia wrote to tell me that all of the fabric in this piece is commercial cotton.
The bird and the briers are inked on the background and then the outline is sewn in black thread.  Or maybe the outline was sewn and then inked to fill in the black silhouettes.  The hand dyed background presents a hazy, damp, cold winter day.
Sonia  advises that the inking was done first and then outlined with YLI silk thread.
The tiny stripes are folds - like piping - and the background looks like those damp leaves and twigs that cover the wintry ground.
A nice matching label with all the necessary information.
Faced rather than bound, Sonia has rounded the inside corners of the facing to make it lay flat and easier to sew.   I love having this 12x12 gem in TCQC. 
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shilsenbeck said...

Del -- did you get this for the collection? I intended to bid on this but did not get in in time. This was one of my favorites. Thanks for sharing.

Brenda said...

Sonia's work caught my eye when I was compiling my "Dream Collection" for the SAQA 2012 Benefit Auction. Thanks for the details shots.