Sunday, January 6, 2013

Corky needs a new shirt 01-05-13

Corky's mommy bought this shirt for him about a year ago and it is starting to get a little tatty.  He has half a dozen shirts, coats, jackets, but this one seems to be the one he wears most.  It isn't too heavy or too light and it fits him nicely. 

He wasn't in the mood for photos and kept turning his head away - what I really need is a picture of him standing up wearing his shirt.  But noooooo.
This is the bottom (front?) of the shirt.
Here it is folded in half - the back is on the left with the "peplum" at the bottom of the picture.  The same fabric is used for the sleeve cuffs. 
I took the pattern off - a method I learned about 30 years ago and have rarely used.  But the process has started coming back to me as I work on it.  The problem I foresee is being able to find the light weight stretchy fabric.  Guess I'll start with JoAnn's.   Suggestions?
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Paula, the quilter said...

Would a t-shirt knit work? If it is the correct weight, you could even recycle the fabric from old shirts.

Linda said...

Try cruising through a Thrift shop, the tee's will be soft and the cost to "practice" will be minimal.

Mary Ann said...

It looks like thermal underwear material. Maybe repurpose something from a thrift store. It's 16 degrees out and my dog is laying in the snow on her back catching snow flakes in her mouth!