Monday, January 21, 2013

Diane Wright quilt from SAQA auction at Houston 01-20-13

This is one of the first quilts marked for bidding at the SAQA online auction last fall.  I was so disappointed that it was being held back for the auction at QFestival in Houston.  Then one day I was talking to one of the ladies at Vision Art Museum and mentioned how much I wanted this piece.  She said "I'm going to Houston, I'll bid for you."  How incredibly generous to spend her time doing such a task when she could be looking at quilts or taking a class or visiting with friends.  She was really sincere, so I sent her an image and accepted her offer.  She was the first bidder and came home with the quilt.  How could she part with it?  I have been enjoying it on my wall and keep discovering little things that I hadn't seen the first fifty times I looked!    A BIG thank you to Ellen.

"Another Collector"  Diane M. Wright - Guilford, CT  2012  12"x12"
Diane said about her quilt, "The background fabrics were created using soy-wax resist applied with a collection of kitchen tools.  The magpie, also a gatherer and a tool user, is raw-edge appliqued."
The three horizontal bars are pieced in.  Hand and machine quilting.

Isn't he a handsome fellow?  It is always enjoyable to watch magpies whose antics are even more comical and farcical than those of crows.  The family corvidae have little hairs around the base of their beaks. 

Wonderfully appliqued skinny legs. 

The shapes in the background could represent the myriad items that magpies collect  - if it is shiny and they can carry it they will steal it to "decorate" their nest.
A colorful backing - surely from Diane's "fabric library".

This must be Diane's hand "print" - it is almost exactly the size as my own.
A good label with all the necessary information - Title, Maker, City of origin, Date, Contact.

Thanks, Diane. I have just bird quilts hanging in my family room right now. They seem to all be getting along when I am not here - no stray feathers laying around.
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Quiltedtime said...

I can see why you wanted this one. The hand quilting is also very good on it. So charming!

Diane Wright said...

I am so happy, and yet, somehow not really surprised, that you like watching the antics of the magpies too. Those maggies always delight me. They are residents only in the West (CA particularly) in North America. But, they are everywhere in Australia, hence the backing which depicts native flora. And, yes, that's my hand print. I always use it as my label.

It is so gratifying that Maggie has found a good home.

Patty ♣ said...

Very nice!

Loretta said...

Another lovely little quilt. Thanks for sharing.