Monday, August 12, 2013

Monday Browsing 08-12-13

Great pictures of quilts in shows/festivals around the world.
I enjoy browsing in Luana Rubin’s photo albums
The Oceania section of Studio Art Quilt Associates (SAQA) has twenty-five members lined up ready to share a "behind the scenes" glimpse into how they create. Over six weeks you'll have the chance to visit each artist listed below and see the inspiration behind the piece they made and donated to the SAQA Benefit Auction 2013.   There are 32 quilts in the Oceania Collection, but some artists are not “hopping”.

Participants make postcards related to animals and send them to Houston.  The postcards are sold at a booth at QFestival  and the funds raised help support the animal shelter.

Havel’s Scissors has a number of free tutorials and patterns.  Including some by Jamie Fingal of Southern California:

I read this when I was on the Ohio Road Trip and can’t keep it out of my mind.  What an amazing world we live in.


Portal - through a blue door.
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1 comment:

Suzanne Kistler said...

One of my boys has a 3-D printer. I asked if he's going to start printing body parts. Not yet...

We live in an amazing world!