Saturday, August 17, 2013

Friday - both Feet and Fanny! 08-16-13

I was in Trader Joe's the other day and turned to find this very tall young woman wearing 5" heels.  Her skirt is a shiny, stretchy fabric - think gloves. 

She can easily reach anything on the shelves.
I'm sure she is more than six feet tall sans heels.  Unfortunately, she was walking away from me, so this is the best image I could manage.   How difficult is it for her to live in a world of shorter people?  Considering the problem I have trying to reach for items on the shelves over the frozen food bins, I still would not want to be this tall. 
 I tried for the feet, but they were just a blur. 
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linda said...

I've lost 1/2"(discovered so at my last check up) so back to 5'even and still having to find the little step stools scattered around our grocery store. That I can usually find one means I'm not the only vertically challenged shopper cruising the aisles.

Quiltedtime said...

I always smile when I go to Trader Joe's because most of the customers who trade there all look just about the same. This gal definitely does not fit the cookie cutter.

Dolores said...

Heck, I've lost almost 2 inches!! I used to be tall :)