Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Monday Browsing 02-03-14

Luana Rubin has posted images she took at the Tokyo Quilt Show.  Also, shots of the snow monkeys in Nagano, Japan, and some of the Sandy Hook Memorial quilts. http://www.flickr.com/photos/luanarubin

Furoshiki - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F74Dwe2BDFw

These don’t seem “mind-blowing” to me, but some will come in handy, if I can only remember them when I need to:

Earthscape Artist:   http://www.andresamadorarts.com/

Gwen Marston has a large exhibit showing in Michigan, you can see it online:
Hear Gwen’s lecture here:
“Little Red Hen”  also posted about Gwen’s Sketches book:

Bees like we have never seen them – beautiful!   http://www.nationalgeographic.com/features/140114-bee-native-macro-photography-insects-science/?utm_source=NatGeocom&utm_medium=Email&utm_content=pom_20140202&utm_campaign=Content
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1 comment:

Dolores said...

WOW! Some super posts!! Thanks, Del!!