Saturday, March 22, 2014

A Day of Recovery 03-22-14

Actually, this is a somewhat momentous day, despite the "recovery mode". This is the 2200 post on this blog, over a period of about six and a half years (started August 2007). I did a blog on AOL for a few years before this one, but AOL shut down their blogging service - it wasn't even called a blog back then. My original pledge of posting every day has been violated numerous times - over 200 - but the causes have been varied. Being unable to blog because my computer is down is the hardest for me to deal with. Stupid computer! But I have taken some blog vacations for various reasons and missed some evenings when I was not well. Blogging is like keeping a journal to share with others, not the private one where one waxes on about their aches and pains or the travails of their everyday life. Terry Grant in Beaverton, Oregon, recently posted that blogs are decreasing in favor of Facebook. But I find Facebook so trivial and there are too many ads, both by companies and by individuals promoting their own agendas. I have to wade through too much junk to find a kernel of interest. Terry's blog is the first I read when I have time to read blogs. Give her a look, she is a great writer and also a fantastic quiltmaker.

March 22 is also our wedding anniversary. Had he lived we would be celebrating our fortieth. I'm still missing him.

I slept about ten hours last night, not in one fell swoop, but a several hours at a time. Then I took a couple naps today. The week at Empty Spools was fabulous, but also exhausting. I try to allow a day with nothing on my calendar when I come home from a trip - lately I'm thinking maybe two days are required! I have all the usual things to do: laundry (still one load to go), unpacking and putting away the sewing stuff, setting up my machine, sorting through the new fabrics I added to my fabric library, paying the bills that came whilst I was away, and doing my e-mail. Since I had no computer for six days the latter is a huge job, so if you haven't received an answer by Monday, you might want to write to me again. My laptop continues to give me trouble and I am seriously considering buying a new one. If I am to continue doing the Surfside QGuild newsletter I need something reliable.

I'll download (or is it upload?) the photos tomorrow and start posting them. As long as the laptop will allow me. It just erased another paragraph on this post, but I am too tired to recompose it. Not important anyway. Love, Del


abelian said...

I hope you keep blogging! I have a Facebook account because that's where my daughter and niece post photos, but it's getting worse and worse with ads and clutter. Pages of junk with only a few useful posts.

I have mixed feelings when reading about Empty Spools. Glad to hear what's going on there, but sad I can no longer be there.


Loretta said...

Sorry you're having computer problems. I've wondered perhaps why and my answer to me is Del has lots and lots of pictures and graphics on her computer, which take up lots and lots of memory. Perhaps adding more gigabytes of memory would help. Check with your repair person. Also, I save my pictures to a separate hard drive, which would probably be tricky when using a laptop...but just a thought. I miss your blog when the computer is on the fritz!